Dearborn High School


I’m hoping this finds you as well as possible given the current circumstances. As you know, Dearborn Public Schools will not resume meeting face to face with students until April 13th. It is imperative that for the next four weeks you check emails regularly, and please encourage your students to check their school gmail accounts.

Last week, we began discussing how we could continue providing learning opportunities should extended school closings happen. We spent time yesterday and today working on how to best make this work, and I feel confident that our team of teachers they have developed not only quality learning opportunities, but well thought out ways to communicate and support learning. 

Beginning this Monday, teachers will be contacting all students in an effort to open lines of communication, share the way in which virtual learning will happen, and begin teaching and learning. It is our expectation that every student will check in with all their teachers daily and that the work that is assigned gets turned in electronically by the due dates. 

Please be on the lookout for emails, Remind, Google Classroom invites and updates, iLearn assignments, iBlog posts, or any of the other ways your children’s teachers typically communicate with you. 

There are many things still undecided, but we will update you as those decisions or changes get made. Thank you all for your gracious support and understanding as we move towards a virtual learning experience.


Mr. Martin

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