Dearborn High School

Week Ahead

Greetings Pioneers,  

It’s hard to believe that I am writing the last “Week Ahead” for the 2023-24 school year. 

We have been busy celebrating our wonderful seniors as we send them off into the community to be contributing members of our society! Among our celebrations in the last two weeks were Seniors’ Last Day – Clap Out, Honors Night, Prom, NHS  Induction (Tuesday) and next week will be their commencement ceremony and the all night senior party. Congratulations to all our seniors and good luck! We can’t wait to hear of your future successes! Congratulations and Reminders – Seniors


Please make sure you plan for your family trips when school is out. We encourage families to create  memories and ask that you plan these trips according to the district’s  school calendar. Please be aware that students’ absences for family vacations does count towards audit. Our teachers work hard to ensure that every minute counts as our motto is “bell to bell instruction”. Your partnership and support are key to ensuring that your child doesn’t fall behind due to family vacations during school time.  

The last day of school is June 7th. Students will have finals June 5-7th. Finals will not be given earlier. Please make any vacation arrangements after the last day of school. Students who are going on vacation earlier will be impacted by the audit policy.  

As always, we appreciate your support and encourage you to reach out with any questions or concerns.


For your planning, the final exam schedule for 9th, 10th and 11th graders has been sent out and is listed here Final Exam Schedule.  Please remember that ALL students are expected to take their final exams. We ask that you make your summer travel plans, accordingly as missing finals will impact students. 


Please click here for important dates  pertaining to seniors – Mini Senior Schedule 


For your planning, I’m sharing important dates that will come sooner than we anticipate. Please see below:

  • DHS Graduation – Saturday, June 8, 2024 @ 10am (Rain date – June 15th) 
  • Senior All Night Party – Saturday, June 8th at 8pm (subject to change)
  • FINAL EXAMS for 9th, 10th and 11th graders 
    • June 5th – 1st & 2nd hours
    • June 6th – 3rd & 4th hours
    • June 7th – 5th & 6th hours 


Our week ahead looks like this: 

Monday, June 3rd

  • Full Day of School 

Tuesday, June 4th 

  • Full Day of School – NO EARLY RELEASE 
  • NHS Induction @ 6pm 

Wednesday, June 5th 

Thursday, June 6th 

  • Final Exams – 3rd and 4th hours 
  • Students dismissed @ 10:55am

Friday, June 7th

  • Final Exams – 5th and 6th hours 
  • Students dismissed @ 10:55am

Saturday, June 7th 

  • Commencement – Seniors must arrive by 8:30am

Principal Jebril 


Please check the links below for more information on our PFSA, Booster Club, and athletics:

For Daily Announcements, please visit:

WDHS Announcements

For information on DHS Athletics, please visit:

For the DHS Athletic Calendar, please visit:

For information on the PFSA, please visit:

For information on the Booster Club, please visit:


Instagram (@dhs booster club) and twitter (@dhs booster)