Dearborn High School

Congratulations to our Vocal and Instrumental Students

This past weekend the MSVMA (vocal music) and MSBOA (band and orchestra) held their annual Solo & Ensemble Festivals on Friday night and Saturday respectively. This is an adjudicated event where students perform as a soloist with piano accompaniment or in a small ensemble.

The following vocal music students earned a Superior Rating/medal for their solo performances on Friday and qualify to perform at the State Solo & Ensemble Festival in April:

Annette Jakubowicz

Stefano Ciavaglia

Hannah Frederick

Alex Sassanelli

The following instrumental music students earned a Second Division rating and medal:

Jude Salame- piano solo

Damien Reisdorf, Maysoon Saidi, Cohen Rochon- string trio

Nora Elling, Emily Montierth- viola duet

The following instrumentalists earned a First Division rating/medal and qualify to perform at the State Solo & Ensemble Festival in March:

Eddie Mroczka- saxophone solo

Jumana Kamalaldin- oboe solo

Cohen Rochon- string bass solo

Mila Hammoud- piano solo

Giada Gallina, Lynn Khazal, Zeinat Bazzi, Maysoon Saidi, Cohen Rochon- mixed ensemble

This is an intensive process and performance and to have done so well is quite an accomplishment. We are very proud of our students and their instructor – Mr. McClocskey. Congratulations to all!