March 23, 2022
Dear Dearborn High School Families:
State testing starts the week of April 11th. All high schools have been informed by the State of Michigan and the College Board that they must adhere to strict testing regulations. Students who do not adhere to any of these regulations will have their tests invalidated.
Any 10th grader who is interested in the Henry Ford Collegiate Academy scholarship must take the PSAT 10.
These testing regulations are as follows:
● Cell phones and other electronic devices must be powered off. We suggest students do not bring them to school. Tests will be invalidated if there is any audible notification from a cell phone or other device.
● Photo Identification must be shown (student ID or driver’s license) when students check into their testing room. Students testing should arrive at their testing room five minutes early.
● Students will have scheduled breaks where they may eat a snack which they should bring with them. No food or drink will be allowed to be consumed during testing time. Proctors will notify students when they may have their snack.
● Students should bring at least two sharpened No. 2 pencils with erasers and an approved calculator to their testing sessions.
The State of Michigan and the College Board have very strict guidelines and we ask our families to assist us in conveying to our students not only the importance of these exams, but also the necessity to comply with the regulations set forth by the State. Additionally, students must be on time for these assessments. Students who arrive after the tests have begun will be required to return for the make-up test date.
The following is the 2022 testing schedule for all high school students. Students will only be in school during their testing times during the testing window.
*Wednesday, April 13th | Thursday, April 14th | *Friday, April 15th | Monday, April 18th | |
Freshmen/Class of 2025 | Not in School | TESTING DAYPSAT 911:15 AM – 2:45 PM | No School – Vacation Day | Not in School |
Sophomores/Class of 2024 | Not in School | Not in School | No School – Vacation Day | TESTING DAYPSAT 1011:15 AM – 2:45 PM |
Juniors/Class of 2023 | TESTING DAYSAT + Essay7:45 AM – 1:15 PM | TESTING DAYACT Workkeys7:45 AM – 11:00 AM | No School – Vacation Day | TESTING DAYMSTEP Science/Social Studies7:45 AM – 11:00 AM |
Seniors/Class of 2022 | Not in School | Not in School | No School – Vacation Day | Not in School |
*-Wednesday, April 13th is a district wide late start day, but the high schools will not be following the later start time due to the timing parameters involved in the administration of the SAT
*-Friday, April 15th is a vacation day/holiday – Good Friday
SAT + Essay — The SAT is an admission test accepted by all U.S. colleges through the College Board. The College Board has programs to encourage all students to take advantage of higher education. The State of Michigan also uses this one-time test to rank our students against other students in the State. This measurement determines if Dearborn High School has made progress in reducing gaps in achievement.
PSAT 9/10 — The PSAT test is for 9th and 10th grade students to prepare them for the SAT test which is taken during the 11th grade. The SAT is a major criterion for college admissions. This test will give students feedback on their strengths and weaknesses on skills necessary for college study and success.
ACT Workkeys — The ACT Workkeys assessment measures essential workplace skills and helps focus on building career pathways. The tests also measure students’ skills and how they stack up to what employers expect from them in the workforce.
MSTEP Science/Social Studies –– The MSTEP is an assessment that the State of Michigan uses to assess where our students rank in reference to their proficiency in science and social studies. The State of Michigan also uses this one-time test to rank our students against other students in the State and as a measurement to determine if Dearborn High School has made progress in reducing gaps in achievement. The MSTEP scores are included on the student’s transcripts that universities and colleges review.
It is important to emphasize to our students that they come to school prepared and on time for these exams.
Testing Day Bus Schedule
*Wednesday, April 13th | Thursday, April 14th | *Friday, April 15th | Monday, April 18th | |
Freshmen/Class of 2025 | Do not take bus-No School | TESTING DAYBus stop pick up: 3 Hours late School pick up: Normal time | No School – Vacation Day | Do not take bus-No School |
Sophomores/Class of 2024 | Do not take bus-No School | Do not take bus-No School | No School – Vacation Day | TESTING DAYBus stop pick up: 3 Hours late School pick up: Normal time |
Juniors/Class of 2023 | TESTING DAYBus stop pick up: Normal timeSchool pick up: 1:15 | TESTING DAYBus stop pick up: Normal timeSchool pick up: 11:00 | No School – Vacation Day | TESTING DAYBus stop pick up: Normal timeSchool pick up: 11:00 |
Seniors/Class of 2022 | Do not take bus-No School | Do not take bus-No School | No School – Vacation Day | Do not take bus-No School |
*Each bus stop has a different scheduled pick up time. If you are testing at 11:15, your bus will be at the bus stop 3 hours after the regular scheduled time. For example, if you get picked up at 7:15, your bus on testing will pick you up at 10:15.
If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Kesserouani at