Dearborn High School

National Honor Society

Dearborn High School Chapter

The National Honor Society Pledge
“I pledge to maintain high scholastic standing, to hold as fundamental and worthy an untarnished character, to endeavor intelligently and courageously to be a leader and to give of myself freely in service to others.  In doing so, I shall prove myself worthy of a place in the National Honor Society.”


PRESIDENT:  Zak Elayan


SECRETARY:  Ann Boettger

TREASURER:  Harmony Morales


HISTORIAN:  Trevor Kleczynski


NHS Advisor:

Ms. Angela Altomonte

National Honor Society: Scholarship, Leadership, Character, and Service

Scholarship – The scholarship requirement set by the NHS Dearborn High Faculty Council is that a student’s career grade point average (grade point average since entering high school) is at least 3.7 cumulative.  Students in 10th and 11th grade who demonstrate this degree of academic excellence are eligible for consideration for membership.

Leadership – Demonstrated leadership is extremely important as a criterion for membership selection. The Faculty Council may interpret leadership in terms of offices a student has held in school or in community organizations, although it is important to recognize that leadership also exists outside elected positions, including effective participation in other activities. The student who exercises leadership:

  1. is resourceful in proposing new ideas, applying principles, and making suggestions.
  2. demonstrates initiative in promoting school or community activities.
  3. exercises positive influence on peers in upholding social ideals.
  4. contributes ideas that improve the civic life of the school and community.
  5. is able to delegate responsibilities.
  6. inspires positive behavior in others.
  7. demonstrates initiative, reliability and dependability.
  8. successfully holds positions of responsibility and conducts business effectively.

Character – The Faculty Council will consider the positive as well as negative aspects of character. The National Honor Society supports and recommends the use of a multi-faceted definition of character known as the “Six Pillars of Character” – respect, responsibility, trustworthiness, fairness, caring, and citizenship.  In addition, a student of character can:

  1. take criticism willingly and accept recommendations graciously.
  2. consistently exemplify desirable qualities of behavior such as cheerfulness, friendliness, poise and stability.
  3. uphold principles of morality and ethics.
  4. cooperate by complying with school/community laws, regulations and expectations.
  5. demonstrate high standards of honesty and reliability.
  6. show courtesy toward, and concern and respect for, others.
  7. demonstrate self-discipline, dedication to tasks, and perseverance.

Service – Service can be described as actions undertaken by a person that are done for others without any direct financial, academic or material compensation to the individual performing the service. In considering service, the contributions students have made to the school or community as well as the student’s attitude toward the service will be reviewed.  The student who serves:

  1. volunteers and provides dependable and well-organized assistance and is gladly available and willing to offer assistance.
  2. works well with others and is willing to take on difficult or menial responsibilities without complaining.
  3. is willing to represent the school in extracurricular activities.
  4. participates in activities outside of school, such as Scouts, church groups, volunteer services for the elderly, poor, or sick, and so forth.
  5. mentors others in school or community.
  6. shows courtesy by assisting others in need.
  7. When applying for NHS applicants should plan on having at least 20 hours.

How to Apply: Each February, qualifying 10th graders will receive an invitation to apply.  Qualifying 11th graders will not receive an invitation but are welcome to apply as well.  Selected members are notified in April.  Once students are accepted into NHS, they do not need to reapply.