Good Morning, Dearborn Public Schools has released a tentative calendar for the school year. The calendar is part of a new contract with the teachers and will not be finalized until it is approved by the Board of Education. Learn more...
Parent and Staff Committee for DHS Assistant Principal Interviews
The parent and staff committee interviews for the Dearborn High School Assistant Principal position will be held on Wednesday September 13, 2023 from 3pm until 6pm at 18700 Audette Street in the Human Resources office of the Administrative Service Center. Please...
Tentative School District Calendar
Here is the link to the tentative school district calendar. We will update you when we receive more information!
Upcoming Important Dates!
Freshman Orientation will be Tuesday, August 22nd from 8:30- 12:30 pm Open House will be Friday, August 25th from 1:15-2:45
Picture Retakes
We will have picture retakes on 10/24 in the media center. You can only retake your picture if you are purchasing the pictures from Life Touch. You must fill out this form if you going to do picture retake. If you were absent, please do not fill out this form. You...
PSAT is Tomorrow
Good Evening! Tomorrow you will enter through the left main doors closest to A Hall. You will check in with me at the doors. I will tell you what room that you are in. Please make sure that you have an ID with you. Wear comfortable clothing. You should be done around...
PSAT for 10th and 11th Graders!
We are offering a PSAT test on October 15th (Saturday) at 8:00 am. Please arrive at 7:30 for check in. You should be done by 11:30 am. The cost is 43 dollars to take the test. This is an opportunity to practice taking the SAT and earn national merit scholarships....
We are offering a PSAT test on October 15th (Saturday) at 8:00 am. This is open to all 10th graders. Please arrive at 7:30 for check in. You should be done by 11:30 am. The cost is 43 dollars to take the test. This is an opportunity to practice taking the SAT and...
Picture Day!
Picture Day is Monday! Students will be taking pictures during their Language Arts class! Picture packets were sent home last week. There are extra picture packets in the main office. Also, you can purchase pictures online!