The parent and staff interview committee for the DHS Assistant Principal position will be held on Thursday August 8, 2024 from 9:30am - 1pm at the Administrative Services Center located at 18700 Audette St. Dearborn. Please note that Participants...
Zeina Jebril
Power Outage at DHS
Good morning, Summer school is canceled due to a power outage at DHS today. Stay safe and enjoy your day off! Ms. Jebril and Ms. Ball
Graduation Ceremony Survey
Greetings Pioneers, The survey linked below was sent to the parents of all seniors. I am sending it out to give the parents of seniors another opportunity to provide feedback. I would also like to hear from all parents who have future DHS graduates. Please take a few...
Report Cards & Commencement Link
Greetings Pioneers, Report cards were mailed out today. Congratulations to all our graduating seniors! We can't wait to hear about your future successes. Here is the link to the 2024 Commencement. Thanks to all who attended, participated and supported!...
Week Ahead
Greetings Pioneers, It’s hard to believe that I am writing the last “Week Ahead” for the 2023-24 school year. We have been busy celebrating our wonderful seniors as we send them off into the community to be contributing members of our society! Among...
Reminders for Honors Night and Graduation
Hello Seniors & Parents, As a reminder, Tuesday, May 28th is our Senior Honors Ceremony for invited students. All senior honors students should arrive by 5:00pm in their gowns, no caps. The program begins at 6:00 pm. Rehearsal for this...
Week Ahead
Greetings Pioneers, Congratulations to all seniors! All have received their cap and gown and our underclassmen celebrated them with a nice clap out to honor their last time walking through DHS hallways as students. Yesterday and today, our...
Power Outage and Asynchronous Learning
Greetings Pioneers, Due to a power outage, Dearborn High School will be closed on Thursday, May 23rd. Students are expected to sign on to Schoology and complete their asynchronous work. All teachers will be posting assignments on Schoology. Please make sure your...
A Message to all Seniors
Greetings Seniors! Congratulations on reaching this point in your school career! Today marks an important milestone as you conclude your childhood chapter and begin adulthood. My hope for you is that you had an amazing high school experience, learned a lot, and...
Week Ahead
Greetings Pioneers, We are excited for our senior class that will conclude their senior year this Tuesday. We will miss them!! Seniors are expected to attend school all day on Monday and Tuesday. Their final exams for hours 4, 5, 6 will be on Monday; and...