Yearbook sales start July 24th. Order online by clicking here! Or avoid the online service fee and purchase directly from yearbook staff.
This school year will live forever in the pages of the yearbook. Help your student remember friends, classes, fun, and more by purchasing a yearbook for them today!
- $75 through September 8
- $85 starting September 9
- $95 starting February 1
- $100 starting March 1
Don’t wait! Reserve the lowest price by ordering today!
Senior Portrait Deadline – November 15th
Photo Specifications (please provide this information to your photographer):
- Portrait should only include the student’s head and shoulders. No hands, props, or hats in the photo.
- Portrait must be taken in color. No black & white images.
- Photo must be at least 2″ wide and 3″ tall.
- Resolution must be at least 300 dpi.
- File format must be .tiff, .jpeg, .heic, or .png, file size no larger than 25MB.
- Head size (from hairline to bottom of chin): min. 1″, max. 1.5″.
- Indoor, neutral, professional background.
- Students should be dressed in formal attire (e.g. dress shirts, sweaters, ties, blouses, etc.).
- Image must be saved as the student’s name (last name first) and student ID# (example: SmithJohn_20081053.jpeg).
- DHS Yearbook staff reserve the right to reject a photo not meeting these specifications.
In order to upload your file, go to the yearbook online store, click “Visit Yearbook Snap” at the bottom of the page, and enter the access code “pioneers”. It is best to have your photographer upload the portrait directly.
Honor Your Senior with a Senior Tribute
- Select the ad size.
- Choose your photos and message.
- Order your yearbook online and select Buy a Yearbook Ad or avoid the online service fee and purchase a Senior Tribute directly from yearbook staff.
Ad Sizes
- Full page with up to ten photos – $350
- Half page with up to six photos – $180
- Quarter page with up to four photos – $100
- Eighth page with up to two photos – $65
Advertise Your Business with The Pioneer
The yearbook staff is very grateful to the local businesses that choose to advertise with us. Not only are you kindly supporting our program and our ability to preserve the memories of all DHS students throughout the school year, but you are also reaching hundreds of potential customers with around 2,100 students & faculty and an average of 450 yearbooks sold every year. Please contact the yearbook adviser, Mr. Adam Smith (smitha3@dearbornschools.org), for more information on how to advertise with us.
Ad Sizes
- Full page with up to ten photos – $375
- Half page with up to six photos – $200
- Quarter page with up to four photos – $125
- Eighth page with up to two photos – $75