April is Arab American Heritage Month! During the month of April, we celebrated Arab Americans throughout the past and present, and recognize their invaluable contributions to our country. It also serves as a time to combat Anti-Arab bigotry and to challenge stereotypes and prejudices. At Dearborn High School, my Principal Student Advisory Council (along with our cultural clubs – Lebanese Student Association, Arabic Club, Discover Islam Club, Amity Club, etc) and Ms. Hiba Haidar (CIS liaison) hosted a Culture Day for each of the three regions in the Arab World – Levant, Gulf and North African Regions with each day designated to bring awareness to each of the countries in that region. Cultural displays and activities took place during all lunch periods in the annex of the cafe. Students had a wonderful time, learned about the various Arab regions/cultures and enjoyed delicious snacks and beverages donated by our generous community members. Below are some pictures that capture our three day celebration!