Dearborn High School

Reminders for Honors Night and Graduation

Hello Seniors &  Parents, 

As a reminder,  Tuesday, May 28th is our Senior Honors Ceremony for invited students. 

  • All senior honors students should arrive by 5:00pm  in their gowns, no caps. The program begins at 6:00 pm. 
  • Rehearsal for this event is on Tuesday at 9am in the cafeteria (You do not need to wear your gown for rehearsal). YOU MUST ATTEND REHEARSAL IF YOU PLAN ON ATTENDING HONORS NIGHT! If you are not at rehearsal you will not participate. If there is a legitimate scheduling conflict, you must contact me prior to rehearsal at Also, prom tickets will be given at rehearsal. 
  • Dress code is formal/dressy. Boys wear a collared shirt, no jeans, no shorts, dressy shoes. Girls, dress appropriately for the day; consider wearing flats or wedges, as spike heels make it difficult to climb up and down stage stairs. Students in shorts or jeans will not participate.
  • Do not bring noise-makers, inflatable balloons, confetti cannon, or anything else that will distract the ceremony including flips, dancing, or anything else after you cross the stage; you’re the main attraction but so is everyone else.
  • Refreshments will be provided in the cafe. 
  • Roses will be sold in the cafe. Please do not bring balloons as you will not be able to bring them into the auditorium because they obstruct others’ view. 
  • Limited seating is available, additional guests can watch the ceremony from the cafe as it will be livestream on the DHS Athletic Youtube Channel. You can also have family members watch it from the comfort of their living room using this link DHS Athletic Youtube Channel.

Last Tuesday, I met with students and reminded them about some important things before they received their cap and gowns. I included a few of those points here:

  • Senior students shouldn’t be on any DPS property unless they have official business; specifically they should not be near Edsel Ford or Fordson. 
  • The dress for both senior honors and commencement is dressy. Boys a collared shirt, no jeans, no shorts, dressy shoes. Girls, dress appropriately for the day; consider wearing flats or wedges – as spike heels on the grass at commencement and coming down steps at honors can cause problems. Students in shorts or jeans will not participate.
  • Friday, June  7th is commencement rehearsal at 8:45am on the tennis courts. YOU MUST ATTEND REHEARSAL IF YOU PLAN ON WALKING AT GRADUATION!!. If you are not at rehearsal you will not participate. If there is a legitimate conflict, you must contact me prior to rehearsal at
  • June 8th is the commencement and the senior party. We begin lining up at 8:30am  on the Tennis Courts, this is the only time you need your cap. Make sure you are on time as we will begin without you. 
  • Feel free to decorate your cap but make sure it is school appropriate. If it is inappropriate, you will not be allowed to wear it. If you’re unsure, please contact me and I will help you with that. 
  • Do not bring noise-makers, inflatable balloons, confetti cannon, or anything else that will distract the ceremony including flips, dancing, or anything else after you cross the stage; you’re the main attraction but so is everyone else. After commencement, you’re going to need to get your diploma. The senior party is at 9pm.
  • At commencement, our expectation is that we all enjoy ourselves within reason and respect the event. Do not spoil the event for your families, friends, or yourself..


Principal Jebril 

  • May 28th, 6pm Senior Honors Ceremony (Rehearsal @ 9am)
  • May 30th, Senior Prom @ 6pm – @ The Henry
  • June 7th, 8:45am-11am Required Commencement Practice, DHS
  • June 8th, 10:00 am Commencement, Students arrive by 8:30am
  • June 8th, 9:00 pm Senior Party
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