Pioneers had a fabulous game! They won against the Chargers on their home turf 5-1. We know when to compete and when to unite! Shortly before the game, DHS Pioneers and CW Chargers walk side by said with the Little Jags! Way to go, Pioneers!

Pioneers had a fabulous game! They won against the Chargers on their home turf 5-1. We know when to compete and when to unite! Shortly before the game, DHS Pioneers and CW Chargers walk side by said with the Little Jags! Way to go, Pioneers!
Greetings Dearborn High Community, I feel it’s important to provide you with another update regarding our efforts to ensure the continued safety of our students. On Thursday, Dearborn Police were at our school to arrest a student who was...
Good morning Dearborn High. This is Officer Hanson, your School Resource Officer speaking.I'm coming to you this morning with a somber message that I take no joy in delivering. It hasalways been my goal as a police officer in the schools to provide safety and security...
October 3, 2023 Greetings Pioneers, I wanted to take a moment to thank everyone in our Dearborn High community for sharing messages of support over the last two days as we refocus our attention on teaching and learning. I especially want to thank the Dearborn...
October 2, 2023 Greetings Pioneers, Our Homecoming weekend started with a big win on Friday night for our football team and then a wonderful Homecoming dance on Saturday. Unfortunately, a few students, some not even from our community, made poor decisions...
Greetings Pioneers, Homecoming and Spirit Week were a huge success! Students and staff had a great time and showed off their school spirit! Students have been issued their ID cards and are expected to have them in order to enter school events, (i.e. games,...
Greetings Pioneers, This will be an exciting week at DHS! We will show off our school spirit as we kick off Spirit Week combined with Homecoming festivities! See below for the daily theme. If you are free Sunday, join us for the annual Battle for the...
Greetings Pioneers, For your planning, I’m sharing important dates that will come sooner than we anticipate. Please see below: DHS Graduation - Saturday, June 8, 2024 @ 10am (Rain date - June 15th) Superintendent’s Honors Night - TBD DHS Honor’s...
Greetings Pioneers, For your planning, I’m sharing important dates that will come sooner than we anticipate. See below: DHS Graduation - Saturday, June 8, 2024 @ 10am (Rain date - June 15th) Superintendent’s Honors Night - TBD DHS Honor’s Night...