For information about enrolling in Dearborn Public Schools, please see the Dearborn Public Schools website enrollment information here. |
Official Calendars
Grades, attendance, and student information system
Student links and resources.
For information about enrolling in Dearborn Public Schools, please see the Dearborn Public Schools website enrollment information here. |
Greetings Pioneers, I hope you are all staying warm and enjoying the beautiful scenery of snow from your cozy home. Report cards for semester one will be mailed out on Friday, January 19th. They are also accessible online via Parent Connect. On...
Check out some quick facts about the upcoming Operating Millage Renewal vote taking place on February 27, 2024, so that you can make an informed decision. (Click on the image to access the information in a Google Doc.)
Good Morning,Semester one grades will be posted to Parent/Student Connect on Monday 1/22/24. Reports for semester one will be mailed home on Monday 1/22/24.
Greetings Pioneer Families! The winter edition of the Pioneer Post is now available. Please click the link below to view. Pioneer Post - January 2024 Remember, you can view past issues of the Pioneer Post at our website: ...
Greetings Pioneers, All Dearborn schools will be closed on Wednesday due to the low temperatures. Please be safe and stay warm. Principal Jebril
Greetings, Due to several late developing factors that will impact our district, we are updating our current status and announcing that all Dearborn Public Schools will be closed on Tuesday, January 16, 2024. Again, all Dearborn Public Schools will be...
Heads up, Pioneers. The DHS Trades Career Fair is happening Friday, January 12th, during all lunches in the cafeteria. This is a great opportunity for students to explore career options for after graduation.
Greetings Pioneers, I hope you are having a fabulous winter break and are returning energized and ready to begin 2024!! The start of a new year is always a time full of hope and aspirations and I pray we all reach our fullest potential and have a year full...
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