Dearborn High School

Message from the Principal

Greetings Dearborn High Community,  

I feel it’s important to provide you with another update regarding our efforts to ensure the continued safety of our students.  

On Thursday, Dearborn Police were at our school to arrest a student who was involved in the incidents from earlier this week. Although it is unfortunate to see a student being arrested at school, this is a direct consequence of the student’s poor choices and actions. We will always work to help students learn from their mistakes but we will also do what is necessary to preserve the safety of our school.  

I would like to thank those who have sent messages of support and encouragement to me and the staff at Dearborn High. It is appreciated! It is also a wonderful reminder of the incredible people who are part of the Pioneer community. Your thoughts and words reinforce the message that it takes all of us, working together, to build a great school for all students.  

Have a wonderful and safe weekend, 

Principal Jebril 

Dearborn High School