Come join the fun at DHS! SOCIAL-JUSTICE-CLUB-PRESENTS-1Download
Zeina Jebril
Order Your Cap and Gown
Please make sure you order your cap and gown! Our gowns are taking on a new look and are custom made for DHS this year! Cap-and-Gown-FlyerDownload
Week Ahead
Please click the attachment for the week ahead. Have a great wekeend! 11_04_22-Week-Ahead-BilingualDownload
New Requirement to Walk at Graduation Ceremony
Please click the link for information on the district's new requirement for commencement. Grad-Requirement-Letter-Adam-MartinDownload
Week Ahead
Save the Date!
Please note - corrections are highlighted! Mini-Senior-Schedule-2023-2Download
Seeking Parent Volunteers
Common Grading Scale at DHS
Greetings, As the marking period comes to an end on Friday, I wanted to re-share our common grading scale. Please reach out to your child's teacher if you have any questions. Thank you, Principal JebrilĀ ...
Friday Football Game
Greetings Pioneers! A few items for Friday night's home varsity football playoff game . . . DHS will be playing Detroit Catholic Central with kickoff set for 7:00 PM. 1. There are no cash ticket sales at MHSAA tournament events -- tickets for Friday's game can...
Week Ahead
Greetings Pioneers, The first marking period ends on Friday. Please make sure your student has turned in all assignments and completed all assessments for the marking period. Instrumental Music students are selling Halloween Boo Grams for $2 during lunch...