Greetings Pioneers, Welcome Back! I hope you all had a fabulous winter break and are returning energized and ready to begin 2023!! The start of a new year is always a time full of hope and aspirations and I pray we all reach our fullest potential and have a year...
Zeina Jebril
Have a Wonderful Vacation! NO SCHOOL FRIDAY!
Greetings Pioneers!!! We made it to the last school day of 2022! Let’s take time to reflect on our blessings and step into 2023 with positive energy to get the new year started. When I reflect on my blessings, my Pioneer family (ALL DHS STAFF AND STUDENTS) are...
Week Ahead
Greetings Pioneers, The last school week of the calendar year is upon us and we have a great deal of activities planned for our students. But first, we would like to recognize some positive things happening at DHS!. CONGRATULATIONS to the Dearborn...
Week Ahead
Greetings Pioneers, Here we are heading into the second week of December. Winter sports are underway and our basketball teams are in Traverse City for the weekend. We wish them the best of luck! DHS DRUMATHON - Friday, December 16th at 7 p.m., DHS...
Chatting with our Executive Director
Greetings Pioneers! Our Executive Director - Ms. Fatme Faraj- would like invite you all to an informal chat with her. We will have our Chatting with the ED event on Wednesday, December 14th at 3:45pm in the media center. Everyone is welcome to attend this informal...
Late Start – Tomorrow
This is a friendly reminder that tomorrow is a Late Start Wednesday. Everything will run one hour later than usual.
Week Ahead
Greetings Pioneers, Our instrumental music students will put on a concert on Wednesday. The "Seasonal Sounds" concert features the Jazz Band, String Orchestra, and combined Symphonic Band on tunes inspired by the holiday season- from Halloween to Christmas....
Week Ahead
Greetings Pioneers, I hope you had a fabulous time off with your family and loved ones! The Class of 2024, is looking for donations. You can donate a basket, gift cards, etc for the Tin Can Raffle. ...
Week Ahead
Greetings Pioneers, Thank you to all parents and families who came out to speak to teachers at parent teacher conferences last week. If you didn’t get a chance to speak to your child’s teachers, but still have questions, please reach out to them by email and...
Week Ahead & Report Card Pick-UP
Please click on the attachment for the week ahead! I hope to see you at parent teacher conferences on Tuesday or Thursay. You will have the opportunity to pick up your child's report card at that time. 11_14_22-Week-Ahead-BilingualDownload